What you’ll find here


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Known as an impulsive, stubborn introvert who chooses virtual world over real, and prefers literature over people, I often find myself responding to these misjudged comments despite telling myself not to. Though I couldn’t oppose some of these qualities, the very true nature that I struggle against deep within, I’m much more than what they think I am.

Literature fascinates me. Words are meaningless. A mere means of communication. But when put together with careful consideration, it emits power. Raw Passion. The art of provocating a thoughtful response, showcasing the reality set in an imaginary background and creative analyses of people around us is how I define Literature.

Emotions fascinate me. With its intensity and depths that run deep, they shape us. They tell us who we are, and what we’ve become. They drive us. They define us. When these are polished, tendered with affectionate care, the journeying path is filled with beautiful memories. When bottled up in a labyrinth maze, the path is made up of ups, downs, twists and turns, often greetings us when expected the least.

Most of us, if not all, at one point in their life, are forced to stand at such an impasse where letting our emotions out without being misjudged will not be an option to be considered. Unfortunately, the society I’m born to bore the highest percentage of confused minds and lost souls.

It is at this phase that I take the plunge to let out such emotions, to the world, in the form of words that I so love, blogging to pen them down with all its varying degrees.

And I take this opportunity to welcome you all to my world of “Raspberries and Lilacs” where you can meet and greet my soul, sitting under a Maple Tree in my “Gran’s Backyard”.


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