
A fleeting hope

A suspended dream

And a world of imagination

Where we embark on the journey

You and I

Together, forever

To love and be loved

To help and be helped

To support and be supported

To respect and be respected

To understand and be understood

Someday, I tell myself, as I now walk alone, leaned onto that fleeting hope, cling onto that dream, and move forward towards that world of imagination with faith, I’ll be able to reach its universe, an Utopia beyond its reach.

For what life is, if not for such fantasies?

You come across, on this journey, with people not met before but known somehow. You see through them, a part of you that you know not. For they show you a glimpse of what you had been and could have been.

Some share your interests. Some share your opinions. Some you become friends with over a period of time. Some you like and some you can’t get along with.

But what remains constant, connecting these people over a tiny dot, is a page written with memories stored and lessons taught. Neither his accent nor his color matters, but the valuable word or two that he uttered, a careless whisper, capable of provoking darkest thoughts and deepest desires, altering the course of life.

An encouraging family, protective siblings and a supportive group of friends – life you once know and wished for, will no longer remain same. They are never enough. A path only known to heart and soul is on its own pursuit – a path less travelled in waking hours, shone under the stars, for one person that fills the void you haven’t realized have been carrying on throughout.

Nothing seems right. The perfect picture you envisioned, is all but missing a single stroke, and a stroke is all it takes to make it imperfect. Incomplete.

And then, your path collides with his.

A stranger, unknown to the mind

A friend, always known to the heart

When least expected, and not looking for

While waiting beneath a tree in your rusty high school uniform

Or in the middle of a meeting in your tailored formal suit

A moment of collision, a smile and a glance is all it needs to recognize an old friend.

An invisible pull that binds you, an attraction and an instant longing beyond your rationality tugs you forward.

And you feel it, years falling apart and distance ceased to exist, pieces of puzzles settling down and there it is, the picture you wished and deserved.

You long to know him, to be with him and to be able to understand his unspoken words.

You care, sometimes way too much, as you stare into the pools of his eyes, and into his soul.

You leave no opportunity unturned to show just how much this stranger meant to you, every minute of every day, in every way possible.

Always by his side, to hear him out, to embrace his happiness and to sooth his pain

Yet you know not what he is to you, or you, to him

As you fell briskly into intimacy, into a world of that imagination

Finally smiling at Utopia

With a fleeting hope dancing its way

And the suspended dream materializes with a promise of friendship

Forever and ever


© Raspberry and Lilacs, March, 2016.

The content in this blog is intellectual property of the Author.

No part of it, part or whole, shall be copied/reproduced/transmitted to any other sites/blogs/forums without prior notice/written permission from Author .

12 thoughts on “Stillness

  1. The name of your blog could be ‘That One Moment’… That one moment that changes life… changes one forever.. charts the path to destiny… chooses one universe out of the many possible… bridges the gap between ‘what was’ and ‘what was meant to be’! Or maybe that one moment of retrospection… of judging ourselves and our decisions.

    Because you won’t give me names… because you won’t fill in the faces… These become my thoughts!

    Fabulous V!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful thoughts vanhi.
    Yes life is such where an unknown person becomes inseparable part of your life. Be it your life partner of online friends like us.
    It’s great knowing you vanhi.
    Love you


    Liked by 1 person

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